It’s no secret anxiety affects the body in general, but studies have shown that most people who suffer with an irritable bowel are stressed. (World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2014).*

woman with stomachache

That’s right, your pooping problems might be caused by your brain!

Research shows that stress and anxiety mess with our gut motility, making us run to the bathroom more often than we’d like. And if that’s not enough, they also make us more sensitive to certain foods and situations, like a bad blind date or a spicy burrito.

But fear not, my sisters of the happy gut, there are ways to beat the anxiety and calm our tummies. First of all, start a flare-up journal and track your triggers. Is it your boss, your in-laws, or your ex texting you? Write it down and find ways to avoid or cope with these stressors.

And when you’re feeling overwhelmed, try some fun and silly stress relievers. Blow bubbles like a carefree kid, play with kinetic sand and pretend you’re building a sandcastle, or have a karaoke party for one in your living room (no judgment here, we all sound like Beyonce in the shower).

Woman Blowing Bubbles
Photo by HayDmitriy

Go on a selfie spree with some of the weirdest things from your closet–double points for posting them.

Have fun and reduce stress, because life is too short to be serious all the time. Cheers to a healthy gut and a happy heart!

To read more about stress and irritable bowel click here.

With love and care,


Please Note: I am not a medical professional. This is me sharing my experience. Do NOT take what I write, sing or dance as anything other than the musings of a woman with a keyboard. Please always speak with your doctor about any and all health concerns.